Grow Your BNB


How to make serviced accommodation on the top of the Airbnb Listing

In the highly competitive world of Airbnb, getting your serviced accommodation to the top of the listings can significantly boost your visibility and bookings. With thousands of properties vying for...

Steps to Becoming a Virtual Airbnb Co-Host

Tired of managing your Airbnb single-handedly?  Dreaming of Airbnb income without the daily hassle? Co-hosting might be the key you’ve been searching for, In this blog post, we will delve into...

Time and Length of Stay for Serviced Accommodation

Have you ever felt that your serviced apartment is packed at every point and an empty city at the next? The secret to smooth running is to understand your guests’ booking behavior, and two...

Direct Booking Challenges For New SA Owners

The allure of direct bookings in the short-term rental (STR) world is undeniable. Capturing direct bookings allows you to bypass platform fees and potentially increase your profit margin. But for new...