
Analyse Your
Rental Income Profitability

Estimate Your rental income in the short term and plan your investing opportunities using the BNB Calculator. Use our BNB Calculator to find the profitability of your Short-term rental. This tool will help you whether you are new to short-term rentals or are ready to take your Airbnb business to the next level.

Our BNB calculator can help you find the best short term rental investment in less than a minute. Our mission is to empower vacation rental owners or investors by offering them tools like this to take their business to the next step.

BNB Calculator | Airbnb calculator | Revenue calculator

How does the BNB calculator work?

The BNB calculator provides an excellent facility to its hosts by predicting the possible income after considering several important factors including the price charged for the service, the occupancy rate, the rent charged, and other expenses that are incurred. It will estimate the total figure of nights stayed and bookings and subtract the cost giving your revenue. For members who are co-hosts, co-host fees have also been put into consideration. Any changes to pricing, expenses, or occupancy rates offer you a rare opportunity to know instantly what the effect will be on your profit which greatly facilitates decision-making.

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Why use a BNB calculator?

A BNB calculator is very useful in estimating costs since it performs the function of enhancing the visibility of the potential returns from a rental property. It demonstrates how pricing, occupancy, profitability, and expenses affect the bottom line. These are very useful aspects, be it a new host, or an investor looking for more returns, this tool seeks to maximize the profits, whilst allowing for quick comparison of properties, and planning to identify any hidden costs and opportunities.

Grow Your BNB Calculator

Maths is confusing. However, maths are a crucial part of your compensation. This tool will help you estimate the value of your generic package.

Business Information


Pre and post tax estimates

Total Expenses


Estimated Monthly Revenue


Co-Host at 10%


Gross Profit


Profit Status

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Frequently asked questions

The BNB Calculator is a tool that allows short-term rental offers or potential hosts to determine their earnings estimates based on bed-night sales, occupancy, rent, and expenditures. Its metrics include gross revenue, net profit, and co-hosts or commissions.

The calculator is based on the variables that you provide. This means that while the calculator provides a virtual practical scenario of earnings, the outcomes are not absolute but estimates that are likely based on existing factors such as demand in the market, geographical location, and so forth.

Absolutely! The availability of the BNB calculator is not restricted to one type of short-term rental property which can be located in cities, suburbs, or rural areas. In order to receive accurate estimates simply input the pertinent details.

It is possible to obtain an estimate for earnings, both pre and post-tax if taxable expenditure items are incorporated in the input. For all those who need detailed calculations for tax, it is advisable to seek the services of an expert or accountant.

As a host, you are provided with practical benchmark indicators to maximize your rental targets by showing the correlation between the desired profit and pricing, occupancy, and rent. It is also ideal for those who would like to evaluate more than one property or seek to make investments.

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